Legislators are scored for their roll-called votes on bills and amendments where an important progressive advancement (or stopping a bad policy) is at stake. Learn more about the benefits and limitations of a scorecard.
Bill | Name | Summary from Progressive Mass | Comerford's Vote | Vote Tally |
DOC Accountability | Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis.) Progressive Position: YES | No | No: 28 Yes: 12 | |
S17 7 | Eliminating Term Limits for the Senate President | Vote was on eliminating term limits for the Senate President, exacerbating the centralization of power in the chamber. Progressive Position: NO | Yes | Yes: 32 No: 5 |
S3 36 | Eliminating In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students | Vote was on eliminating the language in the underlying bill to extend in-state tuition to all Massachusetts high school graduates, regardless of immigration status. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 36 Yes: 3 |
S3 38 | Reducing Fair Share Taxable Income | Vote was on enabling wealthy individuals to avoid the Fair Share tax (i.e., the new surtax on income over $1 million) by reducing their taxable income. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 33 Yes: 5 |
S3 45 | Redirecting Fair Share Revenue to the Rainy Day Fund | Vote was on eliminating language to prevent Fair Share revenue from being redirected to the rainy day fund rather than being used for constitutionally protected purposes. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 33 Yes: 5 |
S2397 50 | Reforming HDIP to Ensure Affordable Housing Production | Vote was on ensuring that Housing Development Incentive Program funds support much-needed mixed-income housing by requiring developments funded under the program to have at least 20% permanently affordable housing. Progressive Position: YES | No | No: 30 Yes: 9 |
S2397 51 | Preventing Fair Share Tax Evasion | Vote was on protecting the revenue raised by the Fair Share Amendment by ensuring that couples who file jointly on their federal taxes do so in Massachusetts as well. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 33 No: 5 |
S2397 52 | Tax Cuts for Day Traders and Speculators | Vote was on reducing the tax rate for short-term capital gains, a tax cut that goes disproportionately to the top 1% (e.g., day traders, speculators). Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 32 Yes: 5 |
S2397 53 | Tax Giveaways to Large Estates #1 | Vote was on a regressive and fiscally irresponsible attempt to raise the estate tax threshold to $5 million, which would have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to such multi-million-dollar estates. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 33 Yes: 5 |
S2397 54 | Tax Giveaways to Large Estates #2 | Vote was on applying cost of living increases to the bill's increased estate tax threshold of $2 million—something the Legislature has always avoided doing for wage increases. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 32 Yes: 6 |
S2425 57 | Gender X Bill | Vote was on allowing for a non-binary option on birth certificates and driver's licenses in the state. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 39 No: 0 |
S2251 58 | Everyone Needs ID Bill | Vote was on making it easier for unhoused individuals to obtain a state-issued ID. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 38 No: 0 |
H4104 62 | Overly Regressive Tax Package | Vote was on a $1 billion tax cut package disproportionately benefiting the Commonwealth’s richest residents, corporations, and estates. Progressive Position: YES | No | No: 38 Yes: 1 |
H4109 88 | Frances Perkins Workplace Equity Act | Vote was on requiring employers with 25+ employees to disclose the salary or wage range for a position in all job postings, provide the salary range to employees offered promotions and transfers, and provide the pay range to employees for their current roles if requested. It would also require covered employers to supply wage and demographic information to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 38 No: 1 |
S2491 89 | Menstrual Equity Bill | Vote was on making disposable menstrual products available for free in public schools, homeless shelters, and prisons in Massachusetts. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 38 No: 0 |
S2480 90 | Expanding PrEP Access | Vote was on expanding access to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) by allowing pharmacists to provide a 60-day supply for those facing barriers to care. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 38 No: 0 |
S2502 92 | Excluding migrants from emergency housing assistance | Vote was on excluding arriving families from access to emergency housing assistance funding. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 36 Yes: 3 |
H4139 109 | Delaying Action on Gun Safety | Vote was on a motion to delay passage of the Senate's gun safety package by sending it back to committee. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 30 Yes: 9 |
S2572 111 | Weakening Gun Safety Action | Vote was on replacing the Senate's comprehensive gun safety package with a much narrower bill. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 34 Yes: 6 |
H4139 114 | SAFER Act | Vote was on the Senate's comprehensive gun safety package, which would crack down on ghost guns, codify the state's assault weapons ban, prohibit machine gun conversions, and take other important steps. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 37 No: 3 |
S2697 115 | Creating New Ineffective Tax Credits | Vote was on requiring a Legislative commission in the bill to study the development of a tax credit for employer-supported early education and care, a policy that has proven ineffective and underutilized in other states that have adopted it. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 32 Yes: 7 |
S2707 116 | EARLY ED Act | Vote was on making the state’s Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) operational grant program permanent, expanding eligibility for the state’s subsidy program, and boosting compensation for educators by creating a career ladder and providing scholarships and loan forgiveness. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 40 No: 0 |
S2708 119 | Shutting our door to migrants | Vote was on a xenophobic amendment to bar resettlement agencies from doing their work if the emergency shelter could be at capacity at an undefined future point—solving a problem via exclusion that can be solved via funding. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 31 Yes: 8 |
S2708 120 | Shutting our door to migrants | Vote was on a xenophobic amendment to determine eligibility for emergency shelter according to the duration of residence in the commonwealth. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 27 Yes: 12 |
S2738 131 | Protecting Consumers from Shady Third-Party Electric Suppliers | Vote was on banning third-party electric suppliers from enrolling new individual residential customers, protecting residents from unfair and deceptive practices that have led to higher energy bills for low-income families. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 34 No: 4 |
S4 166 | Expanding Costly Tax Gimmicks | Vote was on an amendment to extend the statutory two-day sales tax holiday to two weeks. Sales tax holidays drain vital revenue and don’t actually achieve the goals of tax progressivity or economic stimulus. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 34 Yes: 5 |
S4 167 | Enabling Fair Share Tax Evasion | Vote was on an amendment to undermine the Fair Share Amendment by allowing high-income couples to evade the surtax by filing separate tax returns if they have filed a joint federal tax return. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 29 Yes: 10 |
S4 177 | Flag & Seal Commission | Vote was on an amendment to create a new advisory commission to determine a new seal and motto of the commonwealth (to replace the current very racist flag and seal), as recommended by the last commission. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 30 No: 9 |
S2830 184 | Undermining Carryout Bag Fees | Vote was on making the ten-cent fee for recycled paper carryout bags in the Plastics Reduction Act optional for retailers. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 31 Yes: 7 |
S2830 186 | Plastics Reduction Act | Vote was on a comprehensive bill to reduce plastic waste including by creating a statewide ban on carry-out plastic bags, preventing plastic utensils and straws from automatically being given to consumers, prohibiting single-use plastic bottle purchases by state agencies, and creating a statewide program for recycling large plastic objects like car seats. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 38 No: 2 |
S2834 194 | MBTA Community Act Appeal Process for NIMBY Towns | Vote was on an amendment to make it easier for communities opposed to building more housing to evade compliance with the MBTA Communities Act (i.e., the law requiring communities with MBTA service to establish a zoning district where multifamily housing can be built as of right) by creating a right to appeal if communities refuse to meet infrastructure needs and if they pretend that multifamily housing is antithetical to environmental protection or historic preservation. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 34 Yes: 6 |
S2856 198 | Keeping High School Seniors out of Adult Prisons | Vote was on an amendment to increase the age of juvenile jurisdiction to include 18-year-olds—keeping high school seniors out of the adult prison system. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 31 No: 9 |
S2856 199 | Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure | Vote was on an amendment to establish minimum public health standards in every community, increase capacity and effectiveness by incentivizing shared services, create a data collection and reporting system, and increase equity across communities through dedicated stable funding. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 35 No: 4 |
S2856 201 | Regressive Tax Cuts | Vote was on reducing the tax rate on short-term capital gains from 8.5 percent to 5 percent over three years, a cut that would disproportionately benefit the top 1 percent. Progressive Position: NO | No | No: 34 Yes: 5 |
S2871 210 | Moratorium on Private Equity in Patient Care | Vote was on creating a moratorium on any hospital, provider, or provider organization entering into any financial agreement with a private equity firm, real estate investment trust, or management services organization until 180 days after the bill’s regulations go into effect. Progressive Position: YES | No | No: 25 Yes: 14 |
H4750 224 | Massachusetts Parentage Act | Vote was on updating Massachusetts’s forty-year-old parentage statutes to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ families and families formed through assisted reproduction. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 40 No: 0 |
H4785 226 | Maternal Health Omnibus | Vote was on comprehensive maternal health legislation that would expand equitable access to midwifery care, allow more birth centers to open, offer paid pregnancy loss leave, provide insurance coverage for medically necessary donor milk, and increase public health attention on maternal health. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 40 No: 0 |
S2967 250 | Climate Bill | Vote was on legislation to reform siting and permitting laws, accelerate the state’s transition away from gas and toward renewable energy, and improve EV infrastructure. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | Yes: 38 No: 2 |
Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 50% | Co-sponsored at least 50% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website. Progressive Position: YES | Yes | No: 29 Yes: 11 | |
Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 75% | Co-sponsored at least 75% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website. Progressive Position: YES | No | No: 33 Yes: 7 | |
Held Office Hours to Be Accessible to Constituents | Held office hours or town halls during the legislative session to create opportunities for constituents to make their voices heard. (This will be updated upon response.) Progressive Position: YES | Yes | No: 24 Yes: 16 |